Thursday 29 March 2012


One of the most interesting weekends we spent in Tanzania was visiting a Masai village. 

Here the locals live a very self sufficient lifestyle. They live in simple mud huts with thatch roofs, tend their goats for meat and milk, and now less nomadic than they once were,  grow their own maize and vegetables. It was a fascinating experience and amazing to see how they live such a basic, yet resourceful life far away from modern day society.
We visited on a Saturday which is market day. Men and women come from miles around, walking for hours to get to the market with their animals to sell, and to charge up their mobile phones!!

The butcher's shop

Goat on the barbeque

Mmmm, Tasty!

On special occasions such as a wedding, or ceremonies such as circumcision, the men slaughter and feast on goat. As night fell, the men of the boma gathered along with the chosen goat. It was then Dean who was given the honour of killing it!!

The goat takes its final breathes...

And then presented with the still warm kidney! 

Time to tuck in...

Each morning the women of the village set off on an hours walk to gather water from a waterhole. Makes you realise how lucky you are to be able to turn on a tap!!

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