Thursday 29 March 2012

TANZANIA - Going bananas

All around Arusha, especially at this time of year in the rains, the surrounding countryside is fertile and green with gardens and fields full of maize, and coffee and banana plantations.
You will see huge bunches of bananas being carried on the back of motorbikes, or piled on women's heads! Bananas make an appearance in all forms - green  in savoury meat stews, on pizzas,  as beer and thankfully as banana cake!! 

Our daily walk to school

After climbing Kilimanjaro a couple of years ago, we had decided we would like to tackle her little sister  climb Mount Meru. Although almost 1500m lower than Kili, at 4566M, it was reputedly a tougher climb! We had been warned! We spent 4 days on the climb, and definitely found summit day tough! It felt longer, colder and far more technical than we remembered Kili being. It was a beautiful climb though, the route over 4 days going through some beautiful lush rainforest, plenty of wildlife including baboons, monkeys, zebra, giraffe, a chameleon and even a python!! We also were rewarded with some spectacular views of Kilimanjaro peaking out above the clouds at sunrise. 
One of the great things about this climb was that it was only our group on the whole mountain!! At the summit, there was only myself, Dean and our friend Shelly, our ranger Gideon and guide Frank! No need to queue for a photo here!!

The sun rising over Kili

The summit of Meru

We were treated to some fantastic cooking on our climb, chicken and chips, spag bol, and meat stew. It's amazing what can be made halfway up a mountain!!

Breakfast porridge pots

Reward after reaching the summit
We arranged our trip through the B & B we stayed at in Moshi - Tembotamu. Sandra made us a  a great packed lunch the first day with her delicious chocolate banana cake, which she has kindly shared.

Pre heat oven to 175C 

Mix together
1.25 Cup Flour
0.5 tsp baking powder 

0.5 tsp baking soda 
0.75 Cup sugar

Cream together
0.5 Cup margarine
2-3 eggs depending on size 

2-3 ripe bananas

Mix dry and wet together until just combined 
Tip into tin: loaf, cake or even muffin tins

Bake for 40mins

Can also add - 

 Cinnamon Nuts Chocolate Chips 

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