Friday 16 December 2011

CHILE - A light refreshment

To beat the heat of the city, stalls over town sell the refreshing drink Mote con Huesillo.  We'd first seen this in street stalls in Bolivia and had wondered what on earth it was, some shrivelled potato at the bottom of a glass of foosty looking water! Didn't look too appetising! The Chilean version was much more inviting, especially on a hot day!!

JJ and Dean enjoy a mote in the park

Here is it's definition courtesy of Wikipedia -

Mote con huesillo is a traditional Chilean summer-time drink, known as the “refreshing national drink.” It is a non-alcoholic beverage consisting of a sweet clear nectar like liquid made with dried peaches (huesillo) cooked in sugar,water and cinnamon, and then once cooled mixed with fresh cooked husked wheat (mote).[1] The sweet clear nectar is usually made with sugar, but can also be supplemented or replaced with honey. When the drink is served without the dried peaches, it is called a “descarozados.” On occasion, it may also be served with dried prunes, however this is less common.

Our last helados from Rosa’s famous heladeria. This was THE best dulche de leche ice cream I’d tasted!!

Worth the wait?

This was THE best dulche de leche ice cream I’d tasted!!

And our last Pisco sour!!

Well, that's us for South America, many a new dish sampled from frogs to llama, chocolates, ice cream, steak, wine and lots and lots of cakes!! Many ideas to try out back home!!

So now on to the Antipodes, first stop New Zealand, famous for lamb, pies and the great debate of who is the owner of the Pavlova - The Kiwis or the Aussies?? Will just have to sample them both to find out which is best!!

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