Monday 5 December 2011

ARGENTINA - Muchos Carnes

So now on to country number 3 and to find out what culinary delights it has on offer.

Argentina is renowned for producing the world's best beef, and consumes more per capita than any other country (70kg per head!!). As well as the prime cuts, they don't waste anything, with Parillas (steakhouses)offering mixed grills (Parilladas) containing chorizo sausage, costillas (ribs), chinchulines (small intestines), tripa gorda (large intestines), mollejas (thymus gland or sweetbreads), ubre (udder), rinones (kidneys) and morcilla (blood sausage).  Hmmmm?! Might try the morcillas as a comparison with Stornoway Black pudding, but think I'll leave the rest to Dean!!

Why is it so good?

When the Spaniards came over to Argentina, bringing cows with them, they attempted to colonize the large pampas areas, which although didn't prove easy for the Spaniards (and they moved north to Peru), the cows loved it! Freely roaming  and feasting on the lush fertile plains of  pampas grass, and today, without the corn, antibiotics and hormones of American and European beef herds, makes it a much tastier meat!
Traditionally families get together on a Sunday either at their homes or in parks and have asado’s (barbeques). Luckily for us lots of the hostels also put on asado’s, so plenty meat to sample! By far our best osada experience was in El Calafate, where we leant the fine art of cooking meat! Sure puts our little disposable barbies to shame!!

The gauchos get the fire going and prepare the meat.

Coming along nicely!

Just a wee bit more heat!


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