Thursday 13 October 2011

PERU - Pancakes in Colca Canyon


We did a 3 day trek at Colca Canyon (twice as deep as the Grand Canyon), and were so well looked after by our guide Carlitos. Staying on a farm with the locals, we picked avocados and oranges off the trees, and ate some good local dishes including alpaca stew.

The locals of Colca Canyon

Breakfast one morning – Pancakes filled with banana and our favourite manjor blanco caramel. Great energy for our trek!

Don't worry, we didn't sample the other local delicacy - Cuy (roasted Guinea Pig)!!

Too cute to eat!!

So, for me, Peru has had many tasty treats!  Some of Dean’s favourites have been Inca Cola and Sublime bars, both of which we’ve stocked up on fearing they won’t be available in Bolivia!

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