Tuesday 11 October 2011

PERU - Jugo de Rana (Poor Kermit!)

Whilst in Arequipa, as well as cakes, we ate some other interesting Peruvian dishes:

Pollo alla Brassa
Everywhere you go in Peru you see little shops and cafes with signs for this delicacy, basically it is roast chicken, served with chips and piquante spicy and garlicy sauces. So cheap and fantastic!

FACT – Did you know there are over 400 varieties of potato in Peru!!

A delicacy of the coast, raw fish marinated in lemon juice and served with onion, salad and toasted corn. Really fresh and healthy!

Jugos de frutas
The valleys and jungles of Peru provide a huge variety of tropical fruits – oranges, lemons, mangos, passion fruit, papaya, pineapple, bananas. We’ve tried some delicious freshly pressed fruit juices from the many Jugos de frutas stalls.

Jugo de Rana
Not my favourite of Peruvian specialities, but it had to be sampled! Yes, frog juice! Once all the other ingredients have been added, including fruit juices, herbs, cereals, the frog is only a very small part. You definitely can’t taste it, but just knowing it’s in there isn’t too appealing!!

Queso helados
There are many ice cream parlours around Arequipa with lots of delicious flavours of chocolate, caramel, coconut, tropical fruits, and Queso – Cheese! It was actually really delicious, so creamy, and with a wee sprinkle of cinnamon tasted just like home-made rice pudding!

And to top of an evening, the local tipple - A Pisco Sour!

Pisco is a brandy distilled in the coastal region of Pisco just south of Lima. The cocktail is made from pisco, lemon and egg white.

  • 1/4 cup (2 oz.) pisco (see notes)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar 
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 
  • 1 teaspoon pasteurized egg whites


  • In a blender, whirl 3 ice cubes, pisco, sugar, fresh lime juice, and egg whites. Whirl until smooth  and serve straight up in a martini glass with a dash of aromatic bitters and a wedge of lime.

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