Friday 24 February 2012

SOUTH AFRICA - Snoekies at Kalky’s

The Cape Peninsula lies just to the south of Cape Town, with the famous Chapman’s Peak Drive winding round the cliffs down towards Cape Point and Cape of Good Hope  (the most South Westerly point of Africa). We spent a few days down here hiking in the beautiful Table Mountain, and Silvermines National Parks, and visiting the beautiful beaches and fishing villages.

One of the Fishing ports was Kalks Bay, where every afternoon around 3pm the fleet of fishing boats return to harbour with their days catch, followed by the seals hoping for a tasty treat!

Coming in with the days catch

Off the boat and straight onto the market floor

Snoekies hanging up to dry

Fighting over the fish!
Don't mess with these ladies!!

 gutted and cleaned...

..and put on the plate!!

                                           Dean feasting on the days catch (Snoeke and chips) at Kalky’s

Some more seafood encounters -

Seafood Platter in Capetown
                                Hake, mussels, prawns, calamari, with smoked tuna and salmon

Sushi in Stellenbosch

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